When it comes time to create a baby registry, you might get overwhelmed by how much to put on your list. Some soon-to-be parents think they should go easy on their people and put only the must-haves on the list. Others take the opposite approach and add lots of little things to give their friends and relatives options. And some new parents just have no idea what’s important to ask for beyond the obvious:

  • bottles (a no-brainer)

  • the crib (for bedtime and naps)

  • newborn clothes (because they’re so stinkin’ cute)

  • diapers (duh!)

  • the car seat (because you can’t bring baby home from the hospital without it)

Everyone says babies just eat, sleep, pee, and poop. So that means if you have those bases covered, you’re good to go, right? Reality check. The quick answer is “not even.”

Take a little advice from moms and dads who have been there, done that, and wish they’d known about some of the baby gear they discovered, after the fact, that actually makes life less complicated.

Here’s a list of 13 items they overlooked for their registry, and why they recommend you definitely add them to your wish list.

1. Diaper Pail

You’ll go through more diapers than you can imagine. Honestly. Your little stinker may be the cutest baby in the world, but that smell they make is ugly. A good diaper pail is a must-have to keep the fumes contained because you can’t even imagine the assault they make on your nostrils. Plus, a pail that uses regular trash bags means you save time and money having to buy specific ones that may not be easy to find. (Cha-Ching)

2. Snot Sucker

Sticking with the theme of body fluids, this inexpensive, little gadget may just become your new best friend. Babies are mucus-makers from the get-go. Whether they’re stuffed up from allergies, weather-related changes, a common cold, or have one of those cling-on kind of boogers, they need your help to clean out their nose. The BoogEase is easy as 1,2,3: insert soft nose tip, put the mouthpiece between your lips, and suck. Presto. Baby’s breathing better.

3. Mittens

Tiny little fingernails are like kitten claws, and when those hands are flailing out of control, baby can scratch their face. Soft, cotton mittens help protect delicate skin (even yours) and keep your cherub photo-ready.

4. Nail Clippers

It’s unbelievable how quickly their nails grow! And they’re so tiny, it can be nerve-wracking to clip them. But, the light on these handy-dandy clippers gives you an advantage. Warning: your mom-in-law might sneak these for herself. Wouldn’t be a bad idea to have a couple in the nursery or give Grandma one of her own.

5. Cradle Cap Brush

No one wants to think about their precious having a scaly scalp, but it’s very common and temporary. A brush designed to gently remove the dry skin helps get rid of cradle cap, so you can find something else to worry about instead.

6. Portable Tub

Bathing a newborn can be terrifying. Two hands just don’t seem like enough, and the last thing you want to do is feel like your slippery baby is sliding through your fingers. Do yourself a favor and get a lightweight tub that fits in your sink or bathtub, and is designed to give your nerves (and back) a break by keeping LO safely positioned from teeny to toddler.

7. Babyproofing Products

Save your sanity and start sooner than you planned on babyproofing your home. This kit will get you started on protecting your mini mischief-maker from the dangers lurking at their level and as they get more mobile. It’s also convenient to take with you to a caregiver’s home, or when you travel.

8. Thermometer

No parent wants to see their kid sick or suffering. So, having a tool ready that's simple to use is a lifesaver. No wrangling your fussy little patient necessary – just scan their forehead to check their temp in an instant. It’s especially helpful when baby is finally sleeping peacefully, and you want to see if their fever broke.

9. Ear Otoscope

Little ones are prone to ear infections and wax buildup. When they start tugging at their ears, which can happen when they’re teething too, having an otoscope at home may save you a trip to the doctor. Or at the very least it’ll give you more info to share when you call the advice nurse.

10. Portable Bassinet

This bassinet gets five stars and is one of those things you may first think of as something extra. But the convenience of getting baby to sleep safely wherever you go is more than worth it, and the affordable price point is a welcome bonus. Parents rave about how compact and lightweight it is in the travel bag which makes it easy to keep it clean, transport, or store. The bug net and canopy keeps your LO protected while napping at the park or in the backyard, giving you a chance to soak up the fresh air or play with your bigger kids.

11. Humidifier

Instead of waiting until the doctor recommends a humidifier when baby gets sick, fill the nursery (or any room in the house) with the proper amount of moisture to help prevent skin conditions, congestion, or overly dry indoor air that happens when heating and cooling your home. The Stay Clean machine makes your job easier, so you can focus on your tiny VIP. Easy to clean and no filters to mess with make this a must-have.

12. Stationary Activity Center

When you’re building your registry, you may not be able to imagine your bundle of joy beyond the first few months of rocking and swaddling. Babies need so much STUFF, so choosing gear that multi-tasks and grows with your LO is a win-win. Keeping baby contained and entertained is something you’re going to have to master. Parents love that this activity center goes from letting their little explorer practice their early-stage motor skills to sitting at their own table ready for crafts.

13. Baby on Board Sign

This makes this list, you ask? Well, yes. Not only is it fun to show off your new arrival, parents share that it gives them peace of mind knowing it also catches the attention of first responders if there’s ever an emergency. The suction cup attachment makes it easy to put into place and remove or transfer to another car if necessary.