When it comes to baby products and planning for the arrival of your little one, sustainability is at the top of many parents' minds. But where to start? As a new parent, how do you balance making eco-friendly choices with an attainable lifestyle? At Maxi-Cosi, we know that carrying the future means protecting the planet and our little ones. So, if you’re like us and care about the environment (you’re reading this, so you must!), check out our top tips for building a more eco-friendly baby registry.

Ask for Secondhand (Where You Can)

There are lots of baby products that you can ask to be purchased secondhand – especially if your village has experienced parents in it. Fill your baby’s nursery with hand-me-down onesies, lightly used, pre-loved toys, and the crib you slept in when you were a baby. Certain items like car seats and strollers should be bought new, giving you the peace of mind knowing they’re ready to work to their full potential.

Be Intentional

It can be easy to add anything and everything you come across while shopping for your baby registry. Let’s be honest: You’ll need a lot of gear. But realistically, you probably won’t need all five of those cute diaper bags, or seven different types of pacifiers. There’s nothing wrong with being prepared for anything (in fact, we’re big fans), but there is a line between preparedness and excess. Compare all your options when shopping and add the gear and gifts that will best suit your needs as a family. That way you won’t have to fight all those cardboard boxes in the garage to get to what you need. (Yes, being intentional about what you buy decreases your footprint!)

Avoid Harsh Chemicals

Avoiding harsh additives in your baby gear is a great way to care for the earth and your little one’s health, all in one swoop. Products like children’s clothing and car seats are traditionally treated with fire-retardant substances to keep your LO safe in emergencies, but they’re still chemicals, and they can be unhealthy for humans and the environment. Our PureCosi collection meets car seat flammability safety standards through fabric and design choices rather than added treatments – protecting your baby and decreasing the accumulation of toxins, like PBDEs and PFAS, in the environment.

Also consider using environmentally-friendly cleaning products to wash your baby gear, like that sticky juice your tot spilled into the crevices of their car seat. You’ll feel better knowing that harsh cleaning chemicals, like bleach, are far, far away from your precious one (and the cleaning process won’t degrade your gear over time).

Look for Longevity

It is a truth, universally acknowledged, that babies grow up fast. What was the perfect size one day will suddenly be three sizes too small for your cherub, seemingly overnight. When deciding which items to add to your baby registry, products designed for use across multiple ages and stages will help you improve your environmental impact. A high chair with enough modes of use to stay in the dining room from infancy through their toddler years. A car seat that carries your baby home from the hospital all the way to their first day of school. Choosing products with long lifespans will reduce your footprint through every one of your child’s phases.

Products to Add to Your Registry
  • Cloth diapers

  • Glass feeding bottles

  • Organic baby clothes

  • BPA-free toys

  • Fire retardant-free car seats

  • Sustainable furniture (crib, changing table, dress, etc.)

If you made it to the end of this post, you’re already thinking about your effect on the environment. And that’s the first step to living more eco-consciously. So, remember these tips when you’re picking out all of the adorable gear for your even-more-adorable growing human. It’s all about making small but impactful choices (for the planet and your child).